Welcome to “It’s Lit, Candle Magic”
Hey Yo! Welcome to Candle Magic 101!
We will be going over the basics of Candle Magic throughout 13 Weeks!
For this class you will need to to do the following BEFORE sign up:
Download Zoom to be able to sit in conference of our live classes which will be held 8pm EST on Thursday evenings.
Download WhatsApp- and once you do send me your Telephone Number that you registered on the app with so I can go ahead and add you to the Candle Magic Group Chat. This is where you will have access to class replays, interacting with me to ask any questions, connecting to your classmates- and any other pertinent information.
All of the ingredients are those that can be found at your local herb shoppe, or grocery and you will have ample time to acquire them.
Week 1
Watch Video content: Respect the Flame, Respect yourself AND Candle types and their uses.This will be on your own.
Week 2
Join Zoom call and discuss videos from Week, this is a time for Q&A.
Week 3
Vibratory Influences of Colors
Daily Color Correspondence
Astrological Color Chart
Week 4
Condition Oils
Herbs and Roots
Tides of Magic and Intention
Week 5
Sigils and Symbols
Learning to use the Psalms
Week 6
Learning to use the Psalms II
Week 7
Live Class on making a Block Buster Candle
Week 8
Live Class on making a Road Opener Candle
Week 9
Live class on making a Uncrossing Candle
Week 10
Live Class on making a Crown of Success Candle
Week 11
Live Class on making a Love candle
Week 12
Live Class on making a Money Candle
Week 13
Live Class on making a Protection candle.
Week 14
Reading the wax, Ceromancy, understanding the Glass of your candles, and proper disposal methods.