A Synopsis of the following lessons: We will be diving into the world of Hoodoo Candle Magic, exploring the power and potential of Psalms-and the Intention of Prayer. Psalms are believed to carry powerful spiritual energy, and reciting or writing them down can tap into and direct it towards desired intentions. Different Psalms are associated with different meanings - for example, Psalm 23 is often used to bring comfort and healing, while Psalm 37 can be used to draw good luck and prosperity.
Crafting and charging sigils is another important component of Hoodoo Candle Magic, as it helps to focus and amplify the practitioner's intentions. Through repetition, meditation, and visualization, the sigil is imbued with energy and released into the universe to work its magic.
Lastly, it is important to consider the vibratory influences of colors when performing Candle Magic, as different colors represent different qualities and energies. Incorporating metallic colors such as gold, silver, and copper can amplify the energies, while understanding the associations of the days of the week, Zodiac signs, and tides of Magic can help to further direct the desired energy.